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South East of England - Leaving London

London is one of the favorite cities for a family holiday, but even when leaving London, for the countryside of the South East of England, there is a dizzying array of activities and attractions for the whole family to the point that the choice is difficult. The area, which includes the Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, Surrey, Kent, East Sussex and West Sussex counties, offers countless options - from ancient castles, through theme parks and zoos to corn mazes and special museums, all accompanied by pastoral landscapes.


Not to be missed: The south-east of England is famous for its countless ancient castles, which impress not only parents but also their children, especially those engaged in fantasies about knights and princesses. Some of the important castles not to be missed are Windsor Castle, which is one of the English Queen's dormitories, the beautiful Leeds Castle nestled on two small islands in the heart of a lake and surrounded by spectacular gardens, Sisinhurst Castle surrounded by a beautiful garden, Blenheim Palace and more.
Not only are there castles in the south east of England but also great ancient cities like Oxford and Cambridge, picturesque villages and charming towns like Henley on Thames, pastoral views of green pastures and the River Thames where you can go on a leisurely family cruise.

Special for children:

The successful Goland Park in Windsor, which is based on the beloved construction game, is especially suitable for young children (under 12 years old), Paultons Park, Marwell Wildlife Zoo and more. Young children will enjoy the many rural farms where you can meet farm animals and in some cases also help care for the animals. In addition to these, there are many sites that have captivated parents' hearts no less than they will enchant their children, such as the Milestones Museum that recreates Victorian England, the nostalgic Brighton Toy Museum, the miniature village of Beaconscott that resembles an English village in the 1930s Ancient but active steam trains (which also go on trips in the area) and steam-based playgrounds.

Tip: You can use London as a base to go to some of the places mentioned here, but it is better to settle in a farmhouse or a rural bed and breakfast in the area and enjoy a peaceful star vacation. Those who really can not do without the big city can save it for the end of the trip.

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